Monday, March 8, 2010

Going Into The Taper

After weeks of inconsistency – both in life and training – I feel like I had a very solid week last week. It felt great to get out there and do what I love doing. Add some sunshine and 50 degree weather and I was in business! I was back on my routine and logging (almost) all of my miles. I actually would have hit my weekly mark had I not decided to do something stupid on Friday night, which in turn affected my Saturday run…

While doing some reading, I came across some interesting information that I thought may help strengthen my ankle that’s been constantly nagging me. I can still run on it as much as I want. It doesn’t bother me much during the run, but it’s always sore at the end. And it never seems to go away, regardless of how much time I take off. So I take the advice and add some extra exercises to my routine. Naturally, my headstrong emotions overrun my logical mind and I end up overdoing it. The aftermath didn’t rear it’s ugly head ‘til I hit a downhill about 40 minutes into my long run on Saturday. Suddenly, I’m forced to an awkward trot/walk back to my car. Not exactly what I was hoping for! So my ankle’s a bit stronger but at the cost of a new pain in my knee. Sweet :(

The moral of the story… Don’t overdue it! And especially don’t try anything new when you’re only 3 weeks out from your first ultra. Idiot! So I get to spend this week going super easy and trying to get in one last (easy) long run on Saturday before I start my taper. At this point I’m just going with it. I know that I’ve done what I can to prepare, and now all I can really do is prepare myself mentally and let my knee rest. It’s not gonna be a cakewalk, that’s for sure! Not that I expected it to be, but I have a knack of making my life much more difficult than it needs to be at times.


Anonymous said...

What happened on Friday night???

Anonymous said...

Just tried some new exercises and overdid it, like I always do. You think I'd learn eventually!

LYDIA said...

You're going to be fine... just take it easy Pook