Monday, December 27, 2010

Gettin' Out The Door

It’s so difficult to get motivated about running when the weather doesn’t cooperate. The key word there is “motivated” because once I’m out there I always enjoy the experience. The difficulty lies in pushing my sorry butt out the door! I love running in the snow, but we’ve been experiencing a lot of rain in the last few weeks here in Salt Lake. Definitely not normal for this time of year! Add some wind into the mix and it makes for difficult circumstances and miserable days.  Though it’s been tough, I’ve been keeping a consistent base for the last 2 months or so. I’ve had a couple really bad weeks with low numbers, but they were due more to scheduling conflicts than anything else (since I typically run in the evenings).  Maybe I should think about running in the mornings to alleviate this problem?

Now the party starts though! I’m thirteen weeks out from the Buffalo Run 50 Miler and I feel like I’m in a good position to have a great run there. I’ve got a time goal in mind, but I’ll save that for my next post. I’ve put in a couple 20+ mile efforts in the last month and I feel well rested. Now I’m hoping to push myself and build up to 70 mile weeks in the next two months to get me ready for the race.

All the nice new gear I got for my birthday and Christmas helps me too. It's nice to have a few items to select from as well, instead of just one smelly outfit to wear nearly every day.  I’m most excited about logging some vertical with my new Suunto Core. I’ve wanted one for about a year now and I was finally able to justify the expense. Here’s to training for 2011!

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